Google values user experience over everything else. The company regularly updates its search engine and refines the algorithms to ensure users get the most relevant and valuable results. This means content creators need to polish their work and keep up with the search engine’s standards to stay ahead of the game, which is easier said than done. It’s difficult to keep track of all algorithm changes, trends, user expectations, etc while creating content.


That’s why experts recommend focusing on EAT. Why keep track of hundreds of different things when you can ensure your content is valuable from the get-go?


Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness, or EAT are things that the search engine looks for in every bit of content that passes under its scrutiny. These characteristics determine whether the content is valuable to the user and worthy of good placement in the search engine results pages. This post discusses some easy and effective steps to improve your EAT for Google.


1. Mention Credits, Resources, and References


This is a sure-fire way to improve a content’s credibility. If you cite a scientific research paper, quote an industry authority, credit a particular research organization, you provide a clear paper trail to the readers. They know that the content is relevant and backed by hard facts. By mentioning references and credits clearly, you establish authority and build a relationship of trust with the readers. Here are some things to keep in mind:


·         Include credits for all aspects of your content, including the graphics, data, statistics, quotes, and content written.

·         Add author’s biography and qualifications to improve credibility.

·         Add links from domains of high authority. If you find the information relevant but the website dubious, add a no-follow link to maintain your credibility.

·         Link to the original research as much as possible. If you find a statistic in a particular blog post, follow their reference back to the original source and cite them.

·         Add quotes and comments from well-established authorities in your industry.


It is important to ensure all resources and references cited are credible. For example, if you want to make a point about something but cite information from a publication known for its unreliable methods, you will lose credibility.


2. Focus on What Makes You Unique


People want to hear from experts and well-respected authorities. For example, when you’re looking for information on a particular language, you want to get information from a native speaker of that language or someone who has studied it thoroughly for several years. These experts will have deeper insight and more accurate information on a particular subject matter. When you create content, it is important to focus on what makes you unique and special. Why are your opinions and observations worth considering?


If you’re a childcare center, it’s wise to mention that you have a degree in early childhood education, some sort of emergency medicine certification, and experience with children belonging to a specific age group. You can also mention it if you specialize in children with developmental disorders or learning disabilities. Create content passed on these experiences to showcase your expertise and authority in the field. A piece on early childhood education during a pandemic will have more validity if it is written by someone with hands-on experience.


All business owners and professionals consider carefully consider their own skills and knowledge. They should take the time to understand what makes them unique and what they can offer their target audience. If you offer new and interesting information, you’ll attract more attention and rank higher on the SERPs.


3. Make Sure Your Content Is Relevant and Up-to-Date


Information and statistics rarely remain stagnant, especially in fast-paced industries. What was true a year ago may not be true now. That’s one of the reasons why Google ranks dynamic pages higher than stagnant ones. These pages have more current and relevant information than an article written several months ago. People always seek out the latest information on topics and some even filter results based on the date of publication.


Does that mean your old content is useless? Not exactly.


While some content may be outdated and nearly useless, many pieces can be updated regularly. You can go back to change the statistics, add new references, add a paragraph or two about some recent research or trends, etc. Focus on valuable content pieces that attract a lot of attention and receive consistent traffic. Remove thin content of fewer than 300 words from your website as they can compromise your credibility.


Make it a point to mention the original publication date and follow it up with the date of editing and revision. This adds a level of transparency that will please your readers and help you earn their trust. Google rewards dynamic, evergreen content by placing it high on the SERP.


4. Transparency and Honesty


Transparency and honesty help you earn people’s trust and also showcase your expertise in the field. Professionals who take their work seriously and respect their target audience will maintain honesty in all of their interactions. There are several ways to maintain this transparency and they include:


·         Structuring your content so it is easily accessible to everyone, including those with screen readers and disability aids.

·         Getting to the point quickly and providing important information without delay. You need to answer the user’s question immediately, without adding a long backstory to the content.

·         Avoiding any complicated technical terms. You don’t want to make your readers feel confused or frustrated.

·         Make sure the content has clear points and subheadings so readers can skim easily.


If you’re honest and straightforward, people will trust your content and seek you out for more information. Your website may become the go-to resource if you play the cards right and publish valuable content regularly.


5. Focus on Value and Answer Important Questions


The purpose of content is to provide the latest information and help people make the right decisions. You’ll automatically improve the EAT for Google by providing the most relevant advice to users. They will return to your website regularly, share the content on social media, quote specific sections on their blog posts or comments, link back to your content, etc. All of these factors will help you rank higher on SERPs.


It is also important to answer the most important questions clearly and concisely. Content creators can look at platforms like Reddit and Quora to find the most pressing concerns of their target audience.


If you keep these five points in mind, it will be easier to stay ahead of the game and maintain a strong presence on search engine results pages.


